Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition

by Kevin Bould

In response to http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/01/24/photo-challenge-juxtaposition/

Not the photos I intended to post, due to issues I’m having downloading from my EOS. Really need to sort that. Nether the less, I love this photo and it fits the bill perfectly. 

koutoubia mosque

For those that don’t recognise this, the mosque is the Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakesch. The photo was taken from  the magical Les Jardins de Balla. Those who have been will hopefully be able to sense the juxtaposition of not only the modern, heated pool, with the 12th Century Mosque,  but also the peace and quiet of this location, which is less than 50 meters from the incredible exuberance, carnage and chaos of Jemaa el Fna and the nearby souks.  Great food too!